Renowned Speakers
Jose Garcia-Romero
Dagmar Pavlů
Charles University , Czech Republic
John Tan
Nanyang Technological University (NIE/NTU), Singapore
Chi-hsiu D. Weng
University of East-West Medicine, USA
Michael Lee
Sheffield Sports Medicine, UK
Johan Pion
University of Applied Science HAN, Netherlands
Kwan-Hwa Lin
Tzu Chi University, Taiwan
Jade Nicolette Chee
Changi Sports Medicine Centre, Singapore
Mariam Ameer
Cairo University, Egypt
Jo Brown
Sportsmed Sunshine Coast, Australia
Marie Therese McMahon
University of Konstanz, Germany
Charen Rabe
St.Dominic College of Asia, Philippines
Abhishek Deo
Fitexcell Group, India
Aarthi Nandagopal
Freelance sport and exercise nutritionist, India